Name Strategies for Wiki Pages

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2021/06/14

A new Name Strategy Module has been introduced to allow administrators to have more control on the wiki page names.
The name strategies allow to validate and transform page names before they are created to comply with a defined policy.
The transformation of page name is performed before page creations through XWiki UI, while page name validation is performed at the API level.

Two strategies have been implemented as a start for this new feature:
  - the Character Replacement Strategy: allows to define forbidden characters in page names, and replacement characters for each. If no replacement characters are defined, the forbidden characters are simply removed from page names.
  - the Slug Name Strategy: allows to normalize page names to remove any special characters and accents.

By default, the Character Replacement Strategy is used with "/" (slash) and "\" (backslash) as forbidden characters, without defined characters. Only the page name transformation is enabled, page name validation is still experimental and should be used with caution. 

This new feature can be setup in the Administration in Editing > Name Strategies.

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