XAR entry types improvements

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2021/04/06

Starting XWiki 10.4 we started to introduce the concept of page "Types".

  • Several ways to protect extension pages are now provided and can be configured in xwiki.properties:

    #-# The possible choices are:
    #-# * none: no protection at all
    #-# * warning (the default): everyone get a warning when trying to edit a protected document
    #-# * deny = EDIT/DELETE right is denied for everyone except for admins who just get a warning
    #-# * forcedDeny = EDIT/DELETE right is denied for everyone, admins can't force edit/delete
    #-# * denySimple = EDIT/DELETE right is denied for simple users except for simple admins who just get a warning
    #-# * forcedDenySimple = EDIT/DELETE right is denied for all simple users, simple admins can't force edit/delete
    # extension.xar.protection=warning
  • Main.WebHome page entry type is now demo since the wiki home page is configurable so there is no reason to prevent its deletion
  • XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup page entry type is now configuration, was forgotten in previous version
  • the type home has been removed since it was designed for wiki home page use case which does not make much sense anymore

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